6 Steps for More Effective Christian Leadership
As a Christian leader, you are held to high moral, ethical, and social standards. Leadership is always held to a high standard, but as a Christian leader, that bar is set even higher.
Why? Because people expect that Christians measure up to their self-proclaimed moral and ethical standards (as they rightly should).
What can you do to be sure you ‘rise to the occasion’ of being a strong, authentic Christian leader?
Clean up your act: if there is anything in your life, moral or ethical, which would not stand up to scrutiny if the entire world found out - you must eliminate it immediately. Do not give anyone an occasion to think that you are a hypocrite.
Be honest and ethical: You cannot effectively lead, as a Christian or not, when your decisions and actions are not above board, fair, and honest.
Commit to the Truth: As a Christian leader, when you lie or tell half-truths, people tend to feel that your entire faith is a sham. If you are habitually lying and telling half-truths, your faith may indeed be a sham.
Learn and lead in the trenches: You don’t need to be an expert, but when you get involved in the work, you can more effectively solve problems when challenges arise. By getting in the trenches, not only do you gain the respect of your employees, but you also stay in touch with the flow of things. As a leader, it’s easy to become disengaged and resultantly make decisions that look good on paper and sound good to the boardroom, but aren’t helpful when the rubber hits the road.
Lead by example: Do you expect your employees to arrive on time for work and dress well? Then you need to do the same. Sometimes it’s easy to think that you have earned the right to come in whenever you feel like, or can return from lunch whenever you wish. Sure, you may have earned the right, but you gain far more by setting the example. Whatever you expect of your team, you must be willing to do the same.
- Check yourself: When you spend time correcting the actions of others and solving problems you didn’t create, you can develop a sense that others aren’t as capable as you. Consequently, you may not recognize that you’re becoming prideful or arrogant in your own abilities. Be the first to recognize and work on your own shortcomings. Once in a position of leadership, especially if you are good at what you do, it’s easy to feel almost invincible. Once that occurs, you become vulnerable to pride. Stay humble and maintain full responsibility for your actions.