Preserving Values Through Christian Dating

When it comes to matters of the heart, everyone, regardless of race, sexual preference or religion has the right to be happy and find the one person that will make their life feel more complete.

Since times are changing and people are starting to become more forward-thinking, dating can be a gray area. After all, dating wasn’t around in Biblical times, so there wasn’t a ton of guidance.

Fortunately, there are still some clear-cut guidelines. 

So here they are, some no-nonsense dating tips for Christ-followers:

  • Remember that your beauty is more than your appearance. If all a guy can tell you is how hot you are, politely remind him that God made you in His image and get out of there.

  • Not being interested, or not being comfortable, isn’t the same as being mean. Don’t make decisions because you don’t want to “hurt someone’s feelings”. You can be kind-spirited and firm.

  • You should be so close to God, that a man has to grow in his faith just to get close to you.

  • A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect.

  • Physical attraction is powerful, but so is your faith. If a guy is pushing you further than the Bible calls you to go, he’s not the right guy for you.

  • Earthly relationships come and go, they may change, but God is eternal, and your hope is in Him.

  • Losing a relationship might feel like the end of the world, but it’s nothing compared to losing yourself. Keep your eyes on who God made you to be

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